Woman’s Health Consultation Services
High Risk Pregnancy Care
Pregnancies complicated by risk factors that include medical disorders (hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, immunological problems, seizere disorders, obesity, haemoglobinopaties (tralassenias/ sickle cell disorders) need dedicated clinics for comprehensive surveillance both for maternal and fetal well being which is well established at Mirror Health.
Focused and targeted surveillance for pregnancy related complications like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, fetal growth restriction-, multiple pregnancy etc is also performed effectively.
This facilitates a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby.
Inutero Fetal Programming
Effective surveillance and optimization of treatment protocols allows the fetus to grow in a favourable inutero environment which facilitates for better health during adulthood reducing the possibility for metabolic problems like hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus & PCOS later in life. Efforts for optimal Inuterofetal programming inspite of other maternal risk factors will be performed each trimester till delivery which goes hand in hand with high risk pregnancy care. Inuterofetal programming is quintessential for managing all pregnancies.
High Risk Pregnancy care and Inuterofetal programming is performed by a dedicated Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit headed by Dr.Revathi S.Rajan.
Infertility Care
Analysing the cause for infertility which could be attributed to male/female or combined factors including correction of other medical risk factors (obesity/lifestyle change) is the highlight of comprehensive consults by a ‘Reproductive Medicine Specialist ‘ at Mirror Health. Appropriate treatment plans including ovulation induction with follicular tracking etc would be performed after correction of modifiable risk factors.
Gynecological Care
Recognition and treatment of gynecological problems in women of different age groups is the need of the hour. Targeted solutions of common gynecological conditions like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome[ PCOS], Uterne fibroids, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB), endometiosis and pelvic inflammatory disease will be offered. Cervical Cancer Screening and Vaccination Services are available which is aligned to the nationwide drive against cervical cancer.
Adolescent Health Care
PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a common adolescent health issue which is usually associated with other medical issues like obesity, insulin resistance, abnormal hair growth ,menstrual abnormalities, infertility etc which can be effectively tackled with supportive care (lifestyle modification diet and exercises)and counseling which is effectively performed in dedicated clinics organized at Mirror Health.Additional medical intervention will be provided if it is warranted.
Premarital and Preconceptional Counselling
Specific counseling sessions for ‘to be married couples’ and those who are aspiring for a pregnancy are conducted to modify perceivable risk factors that can affect pregnancy outcomes which will add value in averting complications and adverse outcomes.
Comprehensive Breast Care
Targeted ultrasound to check the nature of breast lumps and further work up with biopsy (Fire needle aspiration cytology) will be performed. Comprehensive consults with breast surgeon for definitive management/ care plan will be organized.
Menopausal and Postmenopausal Care
At Mirror Health, we help to support women during the critical transition to menopause. Appropriate hormonal/nutrient supplements and lifestyle modification with counseling will be performed. Specific solutions for medical/benign and malignant (non cancerous/ cancerous) conditions complicating the breast and the uterus will be addressed with customized care plans.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultation
Dedicated counseling for diet and lifestyle for women of all age groups and during pregnancy with due consideration of other complicating medical problems is performed at Mirror Health.
The yoga therapist organizes sessions for women of all age groups and for pregnancy whose primary highlight is to ensure relaxation acting as a stress buster and simultaneously instilling positivity of thought and action.
Imaging and Interventional Services
Imaging and Interventional Services
At Mirror Health we perform ultrasound and Doppler for women. Obstetic scans (Scans for pregnancy) that include Early Pregnancy Scans NT Scans, Cervical Elastography, Mid Trimester Anomaly Scans, Anomaly Scans including Genetic Sonograms, Fetal Echocardiography, Interval Growth Scans, Maternal and Fetal Dopplers) are regularly performed. Abdomino – Pelvic Scans, 3D and 4D scans will also be performed in selected cases if need be. Scrotal Ultrasound scan will also be performed as part of fertility evaluation of the male.
Image Guided Procedures – Amniocentesis, Aspirations, Biopsy, Drainage
Image guided interventions, like fire needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) biopsy and drainage are also performed.
Varicose vein management (Radio Frequency Ablation[RFA], Laser ablation, Sclerotherapy) – is performed as a comprehensive day care procedure. Prior mapping of the varicose veins with Doppler ultrasound is performed and subsequent post ablation follow up with the same for further prognostication is performed.
The Imaging and Interventional services are headed by Dr.Govindarajan M.J.
Genetic Counseling and Affiliated Services
Appropriate genetic counseling for couples with a genetically abnormal child will be performed by the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist and contributory opinions will also be sought from a Clinical Genetecist- to suggest appropriate and viable clinical solutions.
At Mirror Health we perform, specific image guided interventions (Aminocentesis)which allows to actually define the genetic makeup of the fetus[Karyotyping and FISH-Flourescent Insitu Hybridisation]
We also perform screening tests for aneuploidies (abnormetive in chromosomal numbers) leading to genetic disorders like Down, Edvards and Patau syndrome. These screening tests include,
- Double marker/ combined test (along with NT scan)
- Quadruple marker
NACE (Non Invasive Analysis For Chromosomal Examination)
Tele-radiology Services
At Mirror Health we collaborate with different hospitals to provide online teleradiology services. At present we regularly report cases online for centers in Kerala and Bihar.
Second Opinion on Imaging in Cancer Patients
We provide second opinion and further imaging plan for surveillance in cancer patients which could add value by prognosticating disease progression.
Other Services
Laboratory and Pharmacy Services
We have a dedicated in house lab and pharmacy services to cater to the specific requirements of our patients and ensure quick and quality controlled delivery of the above services
Cancer Screening Consultation, Expert Teleconsultation and Video Conference Consultation Services
Cancer screening consultation/expert tele consultation and video consultation services.
We offer dedicated and targeted strategies for cancer screening which could include different imaging modalities and blood testes
We also in the due course plan to host tele consultation/ video conferencing favouring better interaction.