Is nausea and vomiting common in all pregnant women?

Nausea and vomiting are typically associated with pregnancy due to the triggered bio chemical changes. However these fluctuations usually settle by the end of first trimester (first three months) Persistant symtoms (Nausea and vomiting) beyond the period of gestation need evaluation help for other medical / surgical causes complicating pregnancy. But these symptoms may not be present in all pregnant mothers by default.

Is travelling safe during pregnancy?

‘Pregnancy’ is not a contraindication to travel. Due precautions in terms of avoiding too many bumpy / jerky roads and avoiding to self drive a two wleeler after pregnancy confirmation and four wheeler in the third trimester (beyond 28 weeks ) need to be taken.
There could be factors related to pregnancy like for eg: a low lying placenta / or a malfunctioning / short cervix which may warrant restricted activity.