Preeclampsia complicates 3.5% of all pregnancies world wide. ‘Preeclampsia’ includes any form of hypertensive disorder intrinsic to pregnancy that could result in adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes which could mean eclampsia (seizures due to severe hypertension during pregnancy) ,premature delivery, growth restriction in the fetus, intrauterine fetal deaths etc.
We at Mirror Health organise dedicated’ Hypertension in pregnancy clinics’. This clinic will be hosted by a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist who would also involve a physician, immunologist and an ophthalmologist for joint consultation.
The objectives of the clinic include:
a. Preconceptional counseling in woman with hypertension who are desirous of a pregnancy to optimize pregnancy outcomes by managing appropriate changes in drug profiles and also comprehensively reflecting on other parameters representing different organ system like kidneys and the liver which may be involved in hypertension. Primarily the diagnosis and nature of the hypertensive disorder will be confirmed before further surveillance.
b. Antenatal surveillance – Periodic dedicated surveillance for hypertension including prediction and prognosis of disease with biomarkers will be performed and a surveillance plan made to optimize outcomes. The prediction of adverse outcomes can be made a few weeks prior to disease which will add value for the clinical management in terms of risk stratification
These pregnant women will be followed up postnatally to look for persistence / progression of hypertension which could influence further cardiovascular risks and appropriate disease modifying agents will be prescribed in consultation with a physician and a further surveillance plan wil be drawn.
Preeclampsia Registry
A dedicated registry of all women at Mirror Health who were diagnosed with preeclampsia will be maintained for further research/ support group formulation.